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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3



In other news...

I'm getting over my initial funk with Jim leaving and all. I keep trying to remind myself how lucky I was. After all, the visit should have been from Thurs eve to Mon morning, but it turned out being Monday night, then Wed night until Tuesday afternoon. Definitely a plus. Not that it makes me miss him any less right now. But still.

One big minus to this extended visit was that I really was not on the ball for class on Wednesday. I did not do a lot of my assignments, and I felt like a big ass. Whatever though. There's only so much you can do. Besides, it's not like Jim is around often, and you can't really control huge ass snow storms. In fact, since the snow was to blame partially, I think I ended up looking a lot better than I could have. So that's good.

And um, I am glad the Bachelorette is over. I HAVE to stop watching this crap. I was bummed when Aaron picked Helene (thank goodness they "broke up") and I was not thrilled with Trista picking that doofus Ryan. Also, she was really getting on my nerves what with her high pitched squealing and what not. Every time she greeted a guy I cringed because it hurt my ears.

So yeah, I'm going to try to limit my TV watching to Law and Order on weekends, Gilmore Girls, Cheaters, and Friends. Well, and Simpsons during dinner, but that doesn't really count.

Since I tend to look forward (way forward) rather than focus on the present, my current fascination is planning my packing. In reality, this is not a really bad thing because I have about three months, and I should have some sort of plan. The great thing is that when I visit in April I am going to max out on my luggage and take a ton of clothes and stuff that I can leave there.

I had this packing epiphany on Tuesday as I tried to get to sleep. I thought that maybe, instead of Jim flying back after graduation, he could rent a car. See, graduation is two weeks before my last day of teaching (how fucked up is that?) so I won't really need a lot of stuff. Another issue is that I don't want to pay a whole month rent here, so I thought I would jet right on the 6th. However, we aren't moving into our apartment until July 1st, so that would make things really tough for Jim. We really can't do much more of this squeezing into a twin anymore. SO, enter my ingenius plan. If Jim rented a car, and brought back most of the stuff in my place here in Amherst, then I could take my little bag, and on June 6th, instead of embarking on this 10-12 hour trip to DC, I could go to my parents and the Cape. It could be like a little vacation. It could be nice. Also, I have stuff at my parents anyway, so I really need to get that. But if Jim gets most of my stuff in Amherst, then I could get the rest of the stuff at my parents, and it would be all good. We would not have to smush during June, I would not have to pay rent for June, and I could get all my stuff in "one" trip....rather than coming back up from DC at some point in the summer to my parents. Bah.

Anyway, I have yet to talk to Jim about this, so I should not get too excited about it. Ha ha.

Before - After

said Jenn on February 20, 2003 at 5:50 p.m.