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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


the early morning blahs

One of the tough things about being up since 7:30 is that you get really bored by 9 AM. I checked email, I read the diaries on my buddy list, I already did the Saturday Scruples, and watched a vintage SNL (88 - Robin Williams). It feels kinda early to start reading, so I think I might go off to play the Sims.

I had been thinking yesterday about how there was just one week left to February. Thank goodness. I am getting tired of all this snow for one. I want it to get warmer...

March has a lot of great things to look forward to: Jim's birthday is on the 5th, our last "anniversary" before we hit four years is on the 4th, the 6th unofficially marks three months left in Amherst/my program, plus I get a day off on the 21st (maybe).

As exciting as March may be, the good stuff comes in April - 4 years on the 4th, I have ten days off the last full week (and I am going to DC!!!!!) and by April I will wrapping up a lot of my program requirements.

See, here I am getting all ahead of myself again. Well, I am off to play Sims for a while.

Oh hey, if you know of any good diaries I can add to my buddy list, let me know. I did a little spring cleaning to my I had quite a few "dead" diaries on there. Anyway, I like people who update at least daily. Drop me a line. Ciao!

Before - After

said Jenn on February 22, 2003 at 9:15 a.m.