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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


ugh, what a crappy day

It was excrutiating, trying to tear myself away from Jim at the airport this morning. It's just not fair. In the car last night, our friend Amy was talking about her boyfriend, and was saying how hard it was to do a LDR for three months. She could not understand how we had been doing it for two years. Hey Amy, you know what? Neither do I. *sigh*

Jim left this sweet voicemail message for me right after we separated at the security checkpoint. I always save his messages, but I never end up listening to them again. I don't know why.

The anxiety levels are rising, now that the job fair is less than 24 hours away. What if I don't get any job offers?

When I got home from the airport my mother IM'd me. Apparently the battle between her and her landlord is over and they are going to move out. Get this though, she's moving May 11 - back to AZ. Geez. The thing that sucks is knowing that my brothers will be two hours away for the next two weeks and I am so busy. After that they will be across the country! :( I feel like I have missed so much in A.J.'s life. He's 11 - I have been gone for five years. He was such a little peanut, and now he's so big. Before I know it, he too will be a teenager. You know what also bugs me? I have been living up here for five years, and the only person in my family who has visited is Kyle, when I brought him up for his birthday almost two years ago.

So, the current plan is to go to the job fair and then head down to the homestead to pick up the rest of my crap.

Send me good vibes tomorrow!

Before - After

said Jenn on April 23, 2003 at 8:47 p.m.