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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3



Now, it would not be fair if I started my entry without mentioning that...

I GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!!

The job fair was total insanity. Lets back up a bit though...

I woke up around quarter of seven, forced myself to eat some breakfast. After spending the longest amount of time ever getting ready, I took off. Now, I had decided that my best course of action was actually to drive to the commuter rail station about 20 minutes from my parents house. It was cheaper than the parking in Boston, plus I refuse to drive in Boston. However, I decided to rely on the directions to the station from the MBTA website. Bad idea. Well, I figured that since I was coming from a different direction, that would be a good idea. Now, the train leaves the station at 11:10, but I had it in my mind that it left at 11:01, which is not bad, because then I would be early. At like 10 minutes of 11 I realized that these directions were bogus. I banged a u-ey and headed off to Bridgewater State. At least I knew where that was. Now at this point, it's after 11, and I was still under the impression that the train left at 11, and I knew it took the train less than 10 minutes to get to BSC. Well, I found the station, and the train arrived ten whole minutes later.

Now, here's a question for you: the parking system is like pull into a space, and then at the platform there are slots where you put in two bucks., I did not have two bucks on me. And I was not about to put in a twenty. Sooo I asked someone on the platform for change, and they said, oh you can pay when you leave, it's just .75 more. do they know?? So yeah, you can bet your ass I did not pay at all. I could not see how they would know if I did or not. And it's not like there was anyone/anything monitoring the lot.

Back to the fair. So registration starts at 1, our career counselor says, be there by 12. Yeah, I got there at a few minutes after 12 and the line was insane. Some people had been there since before 11. Hmph. Anyway, the deal is, there are 6 interview spots. Some schools brought two people, so now there are 12 spots. As you can imagine, there were schools that were booked by the time I got there. What pisses me off was that I was standing in the line for Arlington, just for the guy to say that he is not interviewing elementary because he does not know yet how many openings he has. So then I move over to Anne Arundel, and yeah, they had JUST booked the last spot. Stupid Arlington guy! Put up a sign! Don't waste my time. Ass clown. Anyway.... I ended up with 5 interviews. I interviewed St. Lucie County, FL (don't ask...although I do have an aunt that lives there - it was more to fill a slot); Loudon County, VA; Baltimore City, MD; Prince William County, VA; and Fairfax County, VA.

And I got hired at one. So yay for me. The best part is, I opted for this pre-contract type of thing. Basically, it holds my position, but allows me to look around. I will continue applying other places. So far I have fully completed three applications. All via internet. I think I filled out one with another school district a few weeks ago, but the website is down. So, whatever.

I guess I will just cross my fingers and hope that the offers continue. But hey, at least I have one. The prospects are pretty bleak in some areas.

Before - After

said Jenn on April 24, 2003 at 10:36 p.m.