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July 01, 2006
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June 28, 2006
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June 27, 2006
day 3


Monday Memories 1

Monday Memories 1

What was your first apartment like? Was it even an apartment? How old were you? It may have been a house, a unit, a caravan... Maybe you haven't even got it yet! Tell me what you're going to have then!

I moved into my first apartment right around this time in May 2000. Wow, how time flew by! Anyway, it was this great 1.5 bedroom apartment not too far from campus. There was even a bus stop in the complex. It was Jim, me and one of his friends from high school. That first summer we used to work during the day, he in an office, me at the school til the end of June, then an office near his on campus; anyway, at the end of work he would pick me up and we would catch the bus home. By the time dinner was ready, Seinfeld would be on and we would eat dinner, watch TV and chat. It was great. We even had a great system...I would do the cooking, which he really cannot do, and he would do the dishes, which I hate to do. If I could go back to any time in my life, it would be that summer.

Then, a year later Jim graduated and moved to DC. I moved from the big bedroom I shared with Jim to the half and Beaker's roommate from the dorms, Bunsen, moved in. Don't get me wrong, it was fun. Watching Saturday Night Live, chatting about religion and other crazy stuff...

Now in a little more than two weeks I am packing up from the house I have been living in since August, and starting my new life down South. I cannot wait. The apartments look really great. Part of me really hopes Jim and I move in again. Maybe we can recreate some of that summer of '00 magic. ;)

Before - After

said Jenn on May 19, 2003 at 7:51 p.m.