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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


cap cap recap

The air here is killing me. And I am loving the little advisories about how bad the air is. The best ones are on the highways that tell you to not drive and not fuel up your car until after dark. Not drive...(chuckles) That's right, everyone will just stop, get out of their cars and have an REM moment.


I did the DC thing yesterday, and it was fun. I went to the Holocaust museum to see the two new exhibits they had. While I was waiting to get into the (amazing) Anne Frank exhibit I took a ticket for the permanent exhibit, for those who have been there, the one where you get an ID thing and it tells you all about a real person's life while you walk around exhibits on the concentration camps. Mine was really creepy...the girl I had died on my birthday, albeit 38 years before I was born.

I also went to the Smithsonian history museum, which did not have any new things since my last visit, but it will still interesting. The 9/11 exhibit is still there, and I still feel like someone has reached in and squeezed my heart until it burst. I sat and watched the news footage and commentary by Peter Jennings and willed myself not to tear up. I feel like its unfair of me to get upset. I did not live there, I did not know anyone who was injured or died. I know it's silly, but I still feel that way. (shrug)

The air was killing me, the heat was killing me, and my legs were hurting so I went back over to Jim's place of employment and since he was over on the hill having some soiree with interns or something I walked over to my new home, Barnes and Noble. I read a book that had been on my wishlist, which I am glad I read because I realized it was not as helpful as I had thought. I also started reading a book that I had ordered a few days ago, Sahara Special it's an interesting chapter book written by an amazing woman who I think still teaches. Last summer someone in my program recommended the book she wrote about her first year teaching. Anyway, her name is Esme Codell, and she's great.

After work I went to my first softball game in such a long time. Definitely the first game I have sat through from beginning to end. Jim's team got the snot beat out of them, but that's okay. I got some great pics of him going up to bat, and playing shortstop. Such a cutie. After the mindnumbing defeat we went out to this little hole in wall where the food was great but according to Jim the service usually sucks an egg. The (one!!!) waitress was nice last night though.

Jim's been really great lately. You would think it would be weird, being together every day for over three weeks now after spending so much time apart, but if he's feeling it, he certainly is not showing it. I woke up this morning to find a little note on my keyboard that said: "I'm missing you right...NOW! I love you. Jim" I think it's so cute that he signs his notes. In case I was unsure...thinking I had some secret admirer that climbs through the window while I snooze. I poke fun, but it melts me inside. The other day I woke up to find that he wrote "I love Jennie (love being a heart)" on the dusty TV. I haven't had the heart to clean it.

It's sweet, and it's also good because I was getting nervous because his work environment was not very romance friendly. One guy was engaged, but they recently broke it off, and two other guys just ended relationships. I hope it's not freakin' contagious or something. The one ray of hope is a guy (who is leaving, but he could still rub off) who is getting married soon. It's not even like I am looking to get married right now anyway. If I take this Baltimore job, I am locked in for three years anyway. So, since I am not going to be engaged for three years, I am perfectly happy just getting back into the really dating Jim groove. Plus I know there will be some adjusting when I move into my own place in August. Jim promises to come up on free weekends, which will be nice.

I keep feeling today like I should be doing something. But you know what, the cleaning thing is getting really old. I feel like the more I clean the messier the place gets. The most intriguing aspect of this is that one housemate is gone! So wtf? I'm not going to clean today just to have two times the mess tomorrow. I guess I could do laundry. I bet we have about a load already. I flitter between thinking its best to do it all at once, on Monday, my designated laundry day. But, if I do it as a load develops...we'll see. I think I should read some more Harry Potter in the meantime, because I haven't read it at all since Tuesday.

Before - After

said Jenn on June 26, 2003 at 2:16 p.m.