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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


meme day

Saturday Scruples

Angry neighbors are beating up a man they caught sexually assaulting a girl. Do you try to stop them?
No, I don't think I would. Not necessarily because I believe you should not take justice into your own hands, but because I am a wimp. Besides, in the heat of the moment, it would be a hard thing to explain.
Your current sweetheart confesses that s/he financed college by working as a prostitute. Do you end the relationship? Erm. It's so hard to say without any context to the situation. My gut instinct says I would. It's interesting because at first I thought the question was stripping, which I would be fine with. But the idea of sharing something so intimate just for money skeeves me out.
Your 12-year-old son asks you to rent a PLAYBOY video for him. Do you? NO. That's too young. I admit that I entertained the idea of doing for a son that was older, say 16, just because I know that at older ages if someone really wants something, they are going to do it...find a way to get whatever they want. But 12?!? Man alive.

Sexy Saturday

1. Oral or Vaginal? Oral
2. Hour long sweat session or quickie? Quickie
3. Missionary or Doggie? Doggie

Saturday-8: "Kid Stuff"
  1. What's the one memory of your childhood that makes you laugh everytime you look back?
    When I was younger I used to play under my grandparents' dining room table. Without fail until we moved to AZ, which coincided with me probably being too big to do it anymore. It was intense, those play sessions. I would get those Little People and set up this elaborate town or house or something. It was great. Now it's funny to think of this little kid who had the best time playing under a piece of furniture. The funniest picture I have from my childhood is from Christmas, I was probably 4 or 5, and in the picture I am in my pj's, my hair all askew, with the biggest smile (I love those little kid smiles) and one of those package bows on my head.

  2. Everyone had a favorite toy, pet, blanket, etc. What was your favorite thing as a kid?
    My absolute favorite thing was the bunny that I slept with, whose name was Bun Bun. By the end of his stint as bed time pal, 1981-1988, he was a terribly worn out old thing. There were not many patches of fur left on him. Bun Bun even accompanied me on my trip to the hospital to get my tonsils removed. I had a nice nurse, and she put on of those hospital bracelets around his neck and wrote his name on it.

  3. What was the most idiodic thing you did when you were a kid?
    On purpose? I can't really think of something idiotic that I did, but I can think of something idiotic that happened. I was a very nervous bike rider, maybe because my mother was not a very soothing teacher. From the days she tried to teach me, in front of my grandparents' house, to years later, bikes made me nervous. Well, when we lived in AZ, everyone rode bikes. And I wanted to be like everyone, so I tried to get used to riding a bike. Well, one day I was riding outside my house, and I was being all skittish and whatnot, and of course I crashed....into a tree. But it wasn't any old tree, it was a palm tree. My parents must have been outside because my mom starts screaming and flipping out (she is not very good in emergencies) and my dad comes over because...I got a palm sticking out of my head. Very gross indeed. It hurt, but it did not go in far, and my dad was able to yank it out. But seriously, wtf? Who gets a palm stuck in their head?

  4. Who was your best friend as a kid?
    I have talked about some of my other best friends in another entry, so in this one I will talk about my 5th grade best friend, Renee Peetz. She was such a sweet girl. We used to hang out at her house all the time, and I have two very clear memories from this: one was that she had a little brother and he LOVED Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The other was that she and I loved to dance, and during one sleep over I brought my Bell Biv Devoe tape and we rocked out, coming up with dances and the like. I wonder what has happened to her...

  5. Is there anything that you did when you were a kid that you still do to this day? For example, you might have a bad habit of biting your finger nails.
    Well, I do in fact still bite my nails. I really wish I could stop, and while I am getting better at it, I still have a long way to go. I also still play with my hair, which drives my mother crazy.

  6. Who did you look up to as a kid?
    I looked up to my Nana, because I thought she was so amazing. She had a great house, she could cook, she was so pretty...if I could be anyone I wanted to be her. I also looked up to my aunt, who was like a big sister, being 14 years older than me. She was so glamorous and nice.

  7. What was your favorite snack as a kid?
    My absolute favorite thing was sliced green pepper, with a little bit of salt on it. I could eat that all day.

  8. What's your fondest memory as a kid?
    One memory that I often recall when going down memory lane was my 7th birthday. I was in such a funk because I did not want to turn 7. Maybe I thought 7 was bad luck or something, but to me, 6 was the age to be. I pouted through much of the day until it was time for presents and my mom said that 6 year olds don't get these presents, 7 year olds do. So I accepted my fate and was delighted to receive new She Ra dolls and clothes.

Before - After

said Jenn on July 12, 2003 at 12:33 p.m.