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July 01, 2006
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June 30, 2006
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June 29, 2006
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June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


two thoughts

While not as entertaining as Saturday, the rest of my weekend went well. I returned my old stuff to Clinique, got some new stuff, and even managed to take part in Origin's lipstick exchange. You bring in any lipstick, they give you one of theirs. Granted, it's just one shade, but it doesn't look hideous on me, and it has mint in it, yum.

Jim came home pretty late, Aqua Teen Hungerforce had just started during Adult Swim and he looked exhausted. When it's hot and he's exhausted he often chooses to sleep on the floor, which makes me feel bad...mostly because he's the one going to work, not me, so I should be the one on the floor. Not that I would really like that, or more importantly, that he would allow that to happen. It was another of those nights where I had some difficulty getting to sleep. I decided to lay on the edge of the bed, so my fingers could run along his back and side for awhile.

Do you ever look at someone, and it is almost as if you are seeing them for the first time? I don't know if that exactly describes it, but sometimes I will look at Jim, and it is as if I did not realize how attractive he is. Last night was one of those nights. He came in, wearing one of his suits, his hair had just been cut a few days ago....he was gorgeous.

Lately, I have been feeling badly because I worry about what to talk to him about. My two running thoughts yesterday were: how people find one another, and how much I loved my new razor.

My new razor is really nice. I had a coupon to try it for free and I will buy it until my legs stop growing hair. Which will never happen...

As it turned out, this was the thought I shared with Jim last night. I thrust out a leg and begged him to touch it. He agreed it was nice and smooth.

What I did not mention was my other thought: how people get together. I was thinking about this when I went downstairs to do Jim's ironing. A housemate, B, and his gf (same gf from the shopping excursion) were sitting on the couch, snuggling, watching bicycles on TV. I for one, would rather shave my head than watch that. But they seemed to be watching it voluntarily, and I thought to myself, more power to them. This lead to: How neat it is that people with (odd) similar interests manage to find one another.

When Andy and I used to hang out, he used to lament that any chance he had of finding a nice girl were out the window. In his mind, with college behind him, he would no longer be surrounded by such a bevy of people his own age who had any chance of being like minded.

I started wondering, how do people find love post-college? Now I am not saying that college is some meatmarket, but I see his point. It's a time in your life when you are pretty much surrounded by people your own age, and with the age thing out of the way, you can really narrow things down and find someone who is more like yourself.

If I solved this, I would obviously be off on my book tour, so maybe that is part of the reason I did not start down that line of thinking with Jim last night.

I am hungry and there is no food. Bah.

Before - After

said Jenn on July 14, 2003 at 2:17 p.m.