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July 01, 2006
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June 27, 2006
day 3


new month resolutions

Ahhh, so nice to have Thanksgiving behind me. Time to start the countdown to Christmas...which, by the way is 15 more school days. Not that I am growing tired of my little peanuts. Just their parents. :)

I spent my long weekend down with Jim and his folks, which was great. I ate more Boston creme pie than I will ever eat in the future combined. That's okay. Jim and I even managed to get back home today without horrendous snarls of traffic which makes our trip a success.

So now all I am faced with is the great push of 2003, where I try to be on my best behavior, diet and exercise wise. Now that I have taken to hoofing it to school now and then (about a mile) and have been going to the gym on a regular basis, I am not too worried about that. It's more a concern for my food choices. For instance, I must must refrain from going to Fiesta Friday, which is basically a once a month get together in my school for new teachers. There is always soda, always yummy food that is sooo not good for me. So I need to remember to pass on that one. I also need to not be tempted by the gym teacher who always tries to get me to order pizza on Fridays. Jim and I also made a pact that we are not going to order out in December. Thankfully, this may actually work (our willpower is rather weak) because he will be out to sunny CA from this Wed to Mon. So actually Jim and I only have 2 more weekends left in 2003. Kinda weird.

Remember how I said I was doing sooo badly with spending once I went on my budget? Well, I have no choice now. My ass needs to be in gear if I am going to pay off my credit card, have money to live, and then have 7500 by August. There's no better motivation than knowing that I will be debt free and have a nice nest egg in 9 months if I can keep my purse closed. All I have is like 2 more Christmas presents to buy...

Before - After

said Jenn on November 30, 2003 at 8:58 p.m.