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July 01, 2006
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new year, new outlook?

I had SO tried to avoid watching that Rich Girls show, which had been pretty easy, since I don't have MTV. However, in my Osama like cave (aka my parents house) I had nothing better to do that watch many many hours of TV. So since every day I was there they had a Rich Girls marathon, I must admit that I started watching it.

However, something good has come of it, at least I am of that opinion. That song that they play at the end - Lillix's "Tomorrow" has become my new theme song of sorts.

Leaving it all behind because yesterday's gone..." I am going to try to make that my motto for 2004. I hold onto things, and it's not doing me any good. A good example that I was going to share for another reason. Remember those jerky parents? The ones that went behind my back and scheduled a meeting with my principal to dicuss ME...well, anyway I (finally) finished opening all my kiddo Christmas (erm, holiday) cards and I opened one from THEM. I know I shouldn't joke like this but I really expected like anthrax or something in it. Anyway, it says, (and I really am quoting it here) "Thanks for all the hard work you put into working with the kids! We are very thankful! Have a good holiday! (x and x jerkoff)" WTF? I thought maybe my eyes were going. But no, no matter how many times I read it, that's what it says. So hmph. Now, I could continue thinking they are evil (since they are) or I could just let it go. Lets see where letting it go takes me.

And as a postscript, I am sure I have said this before, but this whole experience makes me reiterate - Be nice to your kid's teacher. Especially elementary school, cause that's all they got 7 hours a day for 180 days. Cause seriously, I know it's not fair, but this kid has been on my shit list for the last 2 months. No question. I really couldn't help it. It's gotten much better, and it's not like I punish him or am mean to him, but there are things I will NOT let slide that I would for others. He is the one kid I will nail every time he speaks out. If he's whispering to a neighbor I am on him like white on rice. It's not that I am wishy washy about procedures but even with my heavensent group of 20 (as of the last day before break 18) you just can't enforce every procedure every minute. Anyway, enough about that.

Before - After

said Jenn on December 30, 2003 at 5:17 p.m.