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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


money and food...the bane of my existence

So sad to see the end of Friday Five. I hate when you witness something from start to end. Oh well.

Things are going okay on this end. I've really tried to step up my gym efforts. I went this afternoon and stepped back on the dreaded stairmaster, for the first time in many months. I only did it for 5 minutes, and I remember why I used to push myself on that thing - it burns calories like no tomorrow! Man alive! Tonight I have to fast for 12 hours so I can get some blood tests done tomorrow morning. So not fun. When you couple trying not to eat for dieting reasons then knowing you CAN'T eat because of your tests, it makes you a very food conscious person. I feel so overwhelmingly hungry right now, it's not fair. It's only been 15 minutes for crying out loud!!

Yesterday we went to casa de Jim's parents yesterday and that was fun. I made much better food choices than I would have previously. It's actually a fun place to go to even when you are dieting though because there is always salad stuff and lots of veggies. So even though I had steak for dinner I also had corn and broccoli, which is good. I had a salad for lunch too. We won't mention the chocolate pie for dessert though. *winks*

I'm a little miffed that I have not received my tax money yet. Jen already got hers, although she did do direct deposit, but I sent in my returns two weeks before she did! Grrrr! Not that I should have that kind of money sitting in my bank account anyway. I have been so bad lately.

I have decided that I have a very unhealthy relationship with money. I am like a bulimic. I go through these periods where I won't spend a cent other than rent and my loan, and then I will have a couple of days where I drop some cash, and then I immediately fall into a serious guilt cycle. But really, it's not like I am buying weird crap. This weekend I bought my "girdle" for my dress, two pairs of socks for working out, and two pairs of shorts for same purpose. All things I can justify, yet I still sit here and go "man, I should not have done that." But what's the alternative? I can't not have that waist thing, plus I can use it for work. I need more socks because that stupid sock guy keeps eating mine, and I need shorts so I don't sweat like crazy, dehydrate and die in the gym.

Whatever man.

Before - After

said Jenn on May 10, 2004 at 7:44 p.m.