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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


can't wait for summer


The last few days have been so utterly disappointing for me.

First, we should start with the fact that my internet is like, dead. That sucks because I hate that it leaves me with like, nothing to do on the weekends that Jim is not around. I get pissed because I am bored, and then I also get pissed because, hey, was I really that fucking boring, that all I did was sit around on my computer all day? Apparently I am, because it's only 1:20 and I have exhausted all my options for the day.

The thing that really sucked though, is the meeting I had with my principal on Thursday. Lets just put this out there - I am not good with criticism. Maybe I did not get enough as a kid, I don't know, but it devastates me. And though it was not out and out criticism, just him sharing what some of my parents have said, it killed me. I just lost it in his office. It wasn't like the full out sobs where you cannot catch your breath or anything like that, but any time you cry in front of your boss it's not good no matter what the degree is. Basically my issue is that I come across as very intense, and my expectations are very high - too high because my kids can get crushed when they don't meet them. First of all, not that I don't think I have faults - I do, but my expectations are not one of them. I have parents who are like, I won't accept anything lower than a B. Ummmm....that's not always possible. I would love if all my kids could get As and Bs, but it's not very likely. So I am the person putting pressure on the kids? I don't think so.

Of course, I am trying to get something out of this, and I guess I better get used to parent complaints, so I keep reminding myself that not everyone will like you, not everyone will agree with you, and you have to just keep going, doing what you know is right. I mean, really, not to be snippy, but I'm the one with the M.Ed, right? I think what irritates me the most of this situation is that the parents did not come to me. You think my expectations are high, but you won't talk to me? That's really fair. Blindsight me and go right over my head to my principal.

It feels really good to get this off my chest though...

Before - After

said Jenn on May 23, 2004 at 1:16 p.m.