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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


random thoughts

Two and half hours until my two and a half year anniversary. How exciting. 26 and a half hours I will be on my first bar crawl. Ronni, drinking goddess that she is, has given me some tips on what to order. Woo hoo.

I went to the gym all nasty and sweaty....ewww..but it felt so good.

I saw some really good pairs of jeans when I went out with V, but I resisted the urge to buy them since I want to lose some weight before I get new pants.

I got all sorts of stuff done today....except I did not meet with my professor. *smacks head* D'oh!

Did I mention how I got a check for 7 dollars for doing twenty hours of work. Yeah, I was pretty surprised too. Damn people.

I love the video for "ugly." It re-inforced every image that Jim has of the South. Kinda bad since he lives in the South. I thought it was hilarious. I want to live in the South. Where Jim lives though is like the pseudo-South. I have yet to hear a drawl when I visit. But we did see a sign at Hardy's for a pork biscuit or something really weird.

Speaking of weird and the South, Jim lives off of Route 1 (I think) and there is this random ass house chilling on the highway, right near this mini mall. Aparently Ma and Pa did not feel that selling their house for tons of money was a good idea. I swear, the house is this tiny little shack too. I mean, c'mon. Geez....

Tonight was the first time in three years that I was not at a student govt meeting. Very odd feeling. I really do not miss it though. So I guess it is all good. I am much more content to study, work on my fabulous websites here, talk with my online friends, and party like a rock star with my other friends. :) Good plan, eh?

I still miss Judy. If anyone knows where she went, let me know. All my favorites are leaving. :( Very sad. My darling Kati was eaten by her emu, Judy is gone, and it looks like Rhi is leaving. Boo and hiss to that.

My internet connection sucks rotten eggs. For the last week it has been totally unreliable. I call and call and they just have messages that say, "Currently, the states of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Maine are experiencing connection problems." No kidding. Glad I pay you $45 a month for that. Frickin' geniuses. WTF is up with that though? I mean REALLY. Get your act together.

Listening to: "In the end" Linkin Park

Before - After

said Jenn on October 03, 2001 at 9:21 p.m.