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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


lots of random thoughts

I joined a new ring today..

It made me realize just how long it has been since I have professed my love for W. *dreamy sigh*

How can you resist someone so sexy?

Speaking of sexy of course, I got a present today from Meshelie - a picture frame - and promptly put a pic of Jim in it. It is the most adorable picture of him when he was 6 and he has the goofiest face. One can never have too many pics of your long distance love.

I have the GRE in less than a week. Can you give me an antonymn for "stress"? Goodness, I am going crazy.

I met with my peer reviewer today. Why do I bother? I should just give my papers to a rock and ask it what IT thinks. In fact, perhaps my partner should have a rock write his papers. He might do better that way...

Hmmm...lets see how random this entry can be?

Bunson, Beaker and I are contemplating making dinner and eating together one night. Please remind me to put the fire department on alert.

Can I insert a subliminal message to go join Secret Santa? Thanks. :)

I can't believe that next week is the last episode of the Real World. I will miss that house. They were fun. I don't know if I am going to watch Chicago...of course I say that now, but I probably will. ;)

Speaking of TV...Friends is on tonight! Woo hoo! :)

Man, this whole writing random thoughts thing can be tough.

Still mad at my parents.

Still miss Jim. I can't wait to see him. He might be coming up after Christmas.

I am still afraid to fly.

Did I mention I made a new friend? Check out Sara

Where did Ennui-me go? I hate when people up and leave and don't say anything. Come on, take two seconds to leave one last entry that says you are leaving...geesh.

On that note, I am an avid user of cemetery - I have posted soooo many sites. *g*

Every day I say I am going to go to bed at midnight, yet every night I am up at like 2 AM. If you see me on for goodness sake, yell at me!

You can yell at me via AIM. I love talking to people on AIM so add me! (Jenn92580)

Before you ask, yes, those numbers are my birthday.

I bought five makeup bags from Victoria's Secret. This was in an attempt to be more feminine. Perhaps having makeup would have been a better first move, eh?

Getting ready in the morning usually means taking a shower, running a brush through my hair, putting my hair into a bun and then getting dressed. I always wear perfume, but usually skip anything else. I used to be a big foundation freak...but I am pretty lazy.

My nail polish is way past the "expiration mark."

I miss Alie, she used to make me throw out all my old makeup.

Is it bad that one of my lipsticks is like 3 years old?

The funny thing is I only use chapstick...who am I kidding?

I miss Ronni - come home soon and update damn it!

Suzanne I love the hat. I wear it everywhere...even in the house. My housemates find it odd, so it makes we want to wear it MORE.

Sometimes I get tired of dancing around where I live when I write in my diary. There are just too many funny stories. Perhaps one day I will spill the beans.

I bet you don't care though. :(

Jay Z rocks my socks.

I have fifteen days left of class. I am so excited.

I am so scared I won't make it into graduate school.

Sometimes I get cocky and think, wtf!? They NEED teachers...I can be one right? But I know that's not a good way to think.

I have 48 items on my wishlist and well more than half of them are not even things I could use now..but I want them anyway. The pajamas...those I want now. I love pajamas.

Have you ever watched Dismissed? Sometimes when I am bored I picture an episode with Beaker and Bunson...then I wonder who would win. Who am I kidding? The last time any of them dated 90210 was still on the air.

I am graduating in exactly six months...scared? Hell yeah.

It still freaks me out when I see images of the towers in movies or tv shows. Why does it seem like people have already forgotten?

I sold two more books on I only made like 16 bucks though. Rip off!

I love the looks I get when I am reading a children's book on the bus. I silently beg them to say something so I can smugly retort that it is for a class.

Am I the only person left that has not gone to see Harry Potter?

Sometimes I wonder what Jim does...he seems so busy, yet he watches wayyyyy too much TV. When he last visited he gave me a commentary on the latest Britney video. Having never seen it, compared to his many times I was quite perplexed.

A girl said she reads my diary because I wrote about Kelly (who by the way I have not seen in aggggggggges) Finding a girl attractive does not make you bi. I don't mind being bi. I don't consider myself to be though. Sometimes I think people are too quick to throw out labels.

I do wish too see Kelly again though. Maybe I will go uptown soon. Ha. Y'all KNOW that is where I will be next Wednesday night. I am going to get so trashed because I will be so glad the GRE is OVER!

I have been studying for the GRE almost as long as I have been writing here. It better pay off....

I feel like such a loser when I do not have e-mail. I am an email junky...I check it all the time. Bet you I am checking it right now as you read this.

I wish I was not so fat. This whole not being able to go to the gym or gym class is bothering me. A lot. On top of that my medicine makes me retain water. Pissah.

It frustrates me because I want to alter my style but I feel like a clown wearing the clothes I like when I am so fat. So instead I wear jogging pants and t-shirts. Classy broad, eh?

Question: How does one respond when one is told "Your hair is so long!"? My instinct is "No kidding!" What an inane comment. Instead I say "Thank You." Yet that does not make sense either.

For one day I would like to say not a single word. That would be fun.

I wish I could do that tomorrow. I won't though.

I am off to bed. I have spewed forth as many random thoughts as I had in my teeny head. Thanks for listening! :)

Before - After

said Jenn on November 29, 2001 at 1:44 a.m.