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July 01, 2006
day 7
June 30, 2006
day 6
June 29, 2006
day 5
June 28, 2006
day 4
June 27, 2006
day 3


numbers numbers everywhere!

Woo hoo! 3,000 visitors. Thanks everyone!

By the way, the cliques page is back...odd. Oh well. Still if anyone knows how to save the images so they will still be all cute and stuff, let me know. Cause I do NOT want to go through a scare like that again.

Work sucked. Like a lot. The woman's desk I was sitting at smelled worse than cat lady smells. Her keyboard was really gross too. I cleaned it but I had to scrub for like ever to get it clean.

19 more days of work. 35 more days until the elem. school opens again. 41 more days until classes start. 58 more days until I can visit Jim (I hope I hope!!!)

Enough numbers. I am throwing a party in August. I would invite y'all but it's Andy's 21st birthday. So you would have to bring alkie-hol. Ok? =) The season of birthdays is just about upon me. I am so excited. Except for Andy, all I have to do is go with that person to the bar of their choice and buy them a drink or two. Except V, cause she is my very best school friend. But I already have her present, so it's all good. I already know where everyone is going with me when I get back from VA. We are going to this scrumptious place that has great wings and a great bar...according to Zack. But I still don't like Zack, remember? Of course you do.

So I am thinking maybe no with the whole newspaper thing. My list of people I am not fond of is growing and these people were my friends. See, the editor sent out this email: (this is word for word, no editing on my part except for privacy; my notes are in parentheses)

To: everyone
Subject: My Advise (1)

To all ******* Staff:
"I am writing this letter to react to the recent bickering that has been occurring *********. Guess what, I don't have the patience to deal with in fighting (2) next year! I don't know about any one (3) else here but I'm here to do a paper, not fight and argue. I thought to myself the other day, what a shitty year we will have if ever one (4) spends their time fighting rather than investigating, reporting, and having fun. So let's concern (is that even English?)the rest of the summer with researching stories for our *** ***** Edition we need stories by August 20, so get writing.

Jim has recently sent me an Email of advise (5), and with Jims experience I will definately (6) use it. I agree whole heartidly (7,8) with him that ***** is the way to go, and that we don't need a poll to tell us that. The rest is all filler. Thats (9) why we need stories for our *** Edition to have *****, (misspelling here too, and this one has been repeated for weeks - 10) , things to this effect. With stories about our school, it will gain the audience we want and need. Especially for one targeting new students.

I would also like to complain about the Polls. They are dead in my mind. I refuse to pick a **** of the month from a Poll. There are two reasons. First, ***** is somethhing contemporary and can be spur of the moment. Second, I like a few editors (grammar) to be the ones getting the flak when a ***** is picked, put the blame on the one's (11) who are supposed to deal with the blame.

So get wriing (12) and keep those ideas coming. I NEED SOMEONE TO COVER THE FOLLOWING AND MAKE SURE THEY RESPOND SOON OF (grammar - 3)HOW THEIR PROGRESS IS!!! GET BACK TO ME SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Ladies and gentlemen, this is our editor. Grand total: 11 spelling mistakes and 3 grammar infractions. No wonder people complain about our paper!

So I very nicely emailed him: "not to be rude hun....but I hope you are not the one checking for spelling mistakes next year in the paper....spell check is a wonderful thing...."

He didn't like that very much. I wrote to him personally and he wrote to all the writers (of course, someone else could have pointed out his hideous email) His response? Subject: To All "Yes, I never Spellcheck Emails, I understand the irony being the editor too, so don't point that out. Advise, Advice same difference!!!!" No dear, not quite! Argh!

Oh well, their loss, right?

Back to reviewin'. Come visit! Diaryland Diary Reviews We have already had over 100 visitors, and we have almost 10 submissions!! Yay!

Listening to: "I Want You Back" Jackson 5

Before - After

said Jenn on 2001-07-24 at 8:13 p.m.